Update 2 August

We are following current restrictions and therefore, once again, we will close our front door to manage the amount of traffic through the office.
We ask that when you arrive at our office, to call 02 6684 2502 and one of our administration team will meet you to attend to your enquiry.
We ask also that if you have visited any of the current hotspots in South East Queensland or Greater Sydney in the past 14 days, or if you are feeling unwell to please not come to the office.
Our team is on standby via telephone, email or social links for any enquiries.
For more information on current NSW restrictions and hotspots please click the link below.

If you wish to arrange a telephone appointment or zoom meeting with one of our team please contact our office either by telephone or email.
We are here to support you and understand these are challenging times. We will get through this.
16 August 2021 PAYG withholding annual report due
23 August 2021 July monthly BAS due