Update 1 April
Employers should now be reporting through Single Touch Payroll (STP), unless they only have closely held payees or are covered by a deferral or exemption.
There are changes to STP reporting for small employers with closely held payees and to quarterly reporting for micro employers from 1 July 2021. This may affect how you report to the ATO.
From 1 July 2021, employers must report any closely held payees through STP. You can choose to report these payees each payday, monthly or quarterly.
From 1 July 2021, STP quarterly reporting concessions for micro employers will only be available to micro employers who meet certain eligibility requirements. These now include the need for exceptional circumstances to exist.
Employers can apply for this concession through the online deferral tool from 1 July 2021.
Employers who haven't started reporting through STP and don't have a deferral or exemption need to start reporting now.
Find out about:
Small employers – closely held (related) payees
Micro employers
Seasonal and intermittent employers
​​Source and credit: ATO.gov.au
It's time to review your fringe benefits for the year.
The fringe benefits tax (FBT) year ends on 31 March. That means it's time to review benefits you've provided to your employees for the last 12 months and work out which benefits attract FBT.
You need to lodge your FBT return to the ATO by 21 May 2021. This date may differ if you lodge through us.
Examples of fringe benefits include:
private use of work cars
entertainment (e.g. concert tickets)
reimbursement of employees' expenses (e.g. school fees)
salary sacrifice arrangements.
Over the past year there have been many changes and restrictions due to COVID. To adapt, you may have provided your employee's different benefits to those you usually provide, and these may be exempt from FBT.
Generally, you do not need to pay FBT for:
items provided to employees to enable them to work from home (e.g. laptop or portable device)
emergency accommodation, food and transport
emergency health care.
The minor benefits exemption may also apply for minor, infrequent and irregular benefits under $300.
Find out more about when it is (and isn't) a fringe benefit on the ATO website.
See also:
Fringe benefits tax
COVID-19 and fringe benefits tax
​​​Source and credit: ATO.gov.au
Most states and territories are providing assistance to help boost local economies affected by COVID-19.
Many governments are doing this by issuing vouchers to eligible customers to pay towards purchases from eligible businesses for dining out, entertainment or accommodation.
If your business accepts stimulus vouchers from customers, you may be wondering how to deal with this in your tax.
When you accept a voucher, you need to:
treat the amount the voucher covers and your customer's payment as income
report GST on the total of payments received.
Each state or territory has their own method for your business to claim payments associated with vouchers.
Next step:
Find out about Government grants and payments during COVID-19
​​Source and credit: ATO.gov.au
Our office will be closed for Easter from;
Good Friday 2 April and will reopen Tuesday 6 April.
We wish you all a peaceful, safe and relaxing break.
21 April 2021 March monthly BAS due
28 April 2021 March quarter super guarantee due
28 April 2021 March quarterly BAS due
28 April 2021 March quarter PAYG instalment due